
How we're making a difference

KidsXpress works to transform some of society’s most vulnerable members, intervening early to improve children’s emotional wellbeing, potentially breaking a cycle of trauma, and giving children a better chance to achieve their potential.

Our therapy and education services reflect and contribute to international best practice in supporting children’s mental health and our partnerships with schools help to drive systemic and cultural change where it is needed the most.

Why it's important

  • 1 in 7

    Australian children aged 4 – 17 experience Mental Ill-Health

    (Source: Department of Health 2015, Young Minds Matter, the Mental Health of Children and Adolescents Survey.)


  • 50 %

    of mental health conditions emerge by the age of 14

    (Source: Productivity Commission Draft Report 2019/Oleseon et al, 2010.)

  • Students are up to 5 Years Behind

    in academic performance by year 9, due to Mental Illness compared with students without Mental Illness

    (Source: Goodsell et al 2017, Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Educational Outcomes.)

Our Impact

  • $1.00

    generates a $2.76 return in social value

    (Deloitte Access Economics, 2015 page 46.)

  • 91.7%

    of children who attended KidXpress identified positive change in themselves.

    (CORS, 2023 Term 2)

  • 3,600

    students reached in 2022

How we measure our impact

To determine the efficacy of our program we use a combination of standardised research tools including the Child Outcome Rating Scale (CORS), Child Parent Relationship Scale (CPRS), Student Teacher Relationship Scale (STRS) and Brief Parential Self Efficacy Scale (BPSES).

We investigate the impact of the therapy program from several different viewpoints – the eyes of the child, the family, the referrer and the therapy team. Data collection begins before the child enters the program, throughout the program itself and at the end of the program. Following that, ongoing qualitative and quantitative research as well as anecdotal feedback helps gauge the long-term efficacy.

We also use the ARTIC Scale (Attitudes Related to Trauma-Informed Care) to measure professional and para-professional attitudes toward Trauma Informed Care as part of our School Partnership Program.

Read our independent Evaluation of Economic Impact conducted by Deloittes Access Economics for more information.

View Independent Evaluation of Economic Impact Report