Empowering children through trauma informed care
Trauma informed care is a framework that is based on a knowledge of how trauma affects a child’s developing brain, behaviour and ability to learn. In a school or other organisation it provides a framework that recognises and responds to the signs and symptoms of trauma in children, staff and others who work or study there.
A trauma-informed environment actively seeks to resist re-traumatisation of these individuals and helps provide potential pathways for recovery.
Ultimately, Trauma Informed Care requires a system to make a paradigm shift from asking, “What is wrong with this person?” to “What has happened to this person?” and “What support do they need to help them recover and reach their potential?”
Why being trauma-informed is important
Trauma is often a result of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) relating to abuse, neglect, family dysfunction or other significant trauma. In Australia, 1 in 5 children have been exposed to three or more ACEs; with such high rates of trauma and the resulting toxic stress, all educators and child-related professionals WILL at some point work with children who’ve been impacted by ACEs.
Having the knowledge to recognise that life challenges may be contributing to a child’s behaviour and being provided with the tools to manage traumatic stress empowers professionals in their role. Importantly, it is an important first step in becoming a compassionate and supportive community.
All of our services here at KidsXpress are trauma-informed. We run specialised tailored training workshops that help participants to better recognise the signs of trauma and equip participants with practical, ready-to-use strategies in a way that brings about real change.
Contact us at training@kidsxpress.org.au to learn more.