
Fostering healing and growth in various environments

KidsXpress offers services at our centres in Macquarie Park and Tumut in the Snowy Valleys region, as well as in collaboration with other services such as (eg: Private Health Networks).

KidsXpress is committed to ensuring that no child misses out on receiving the support they need.

Clients that meet our criteria for limited financial means are eligible for heavily subsidised services through the generosity of our donors.

Full fee paying services are also available and are not prioritised over those receiving subsidies. Please contact us for more information.

The following services are delivered at:

Macquarie Park Centre

Expressive Therapy, which combines music art, drama, play and dance/movement therapy in the one setting.

Parenting programs, such as Circle of Security ® and Tuning into Kids ® which enhance caregiving skills while fostering stronger bonds and communication between parents and their children – as requested.

Parent/Carer workshops, such as ‘Understanding and Supporting your Child’s Emotions’, designed to equip parents and carers with essential child development and neuroscience knowledge to confidently support their child’s wellbeing.

Tumut Centre in the Snowy Valleys region

Expressive Therapy, which combines music art, drama, play and dance/movement therapy in the one setting. Therapy delivery takes place at our Wynyard Street centre and at local partnering schools.

Trauma Informed Training and Consultancy, which helps build the capacity of teachers to recognise and respond to students impacted by trauma whilst also managing vicarious trauma and overload. This comprehensive service also includes accredited professional development workshops for all school staff and 1:1 consultation with teachers or school executive team.

How to access KidsXpress Services

Our Program Environments

  • Individual Therapy

    Children are supported in a 1:1 setting in 30-60 minute sessions.

    Regular sessions are recommended and held in our expressive therapy space at the centre.

  • Group Therapy

    Comprised of 4-6 children grouped by age and, where possible, referral reasons. Group therapy programs are facilitated by 2 Expressive Therapists in 60-90 minute sessions.

    Group Therapy is not suitable in all cases and will be assessed once a referral is received.

  • Dyad Therapy

    Caregivers join their child on their therapeutic journey in these joint 30-60 minute sessions.

    These sessions are usually offered alongside individual or group therapy and will be determined in consultation with the therapist.